Medications/ OTC products-
If you use any of the following medications or over the counter products, you won't be able to receive a waxing service with VBW until you have been free of the medications/OTC's for a minimum of 3 (three) months. Accutane specifically; you must discontinue use at minimum of 1 (one) year prior to a wax service. The 3 month medication/otc list is as follows:
-Accutane (Acne medication)
-Adapalene ( Acne medication)
-Alustra (Retin A)
-Avage (Acne medication)
-Avita (Retin A)
-Azelex (peeling agent)
-Clindamycin (Bacterial infection medication)
-Differin (Acne medication)
-Doxycycline (Infection treatment medication)
-Erythromycin (Antibiotic)
-Isotretinoin (Acne medication)
-Metronidazole (Antibiotic)
-Nadiflozicine (Acne antibiotic)
-Prednisone (Inflammation reducer)
-Renova (Retin A)
-Retin A (Acne medication)
-Tazarac (Acne medication)
-Tazarotene (Tazorac)
-Tetracycline (Antibiotic)
-Tretinoin (Retin A)
If you currently use any of the products listed in this section below, please take note on this Very Important precaution. Any of the following products can cause skin to be extremely sensitive, vulnerable to burning, skin removal, severe irritations and sensitivities. Please know that these products are your responsibility and should be disclosed by you prior to any and all wax services with VBW. The products are as follows:
-All acne medications including OTC, Salicylic acids, Alpha hydroxy acids, Oral & topical antibiotics and exfoliants.
Other dangerous factors that need to be considered by you prior to waxing are:
Taking blood thinners, Lupus medications, autoimmune disease medications, Skin disease medications (for ex. psoriasis and eczema). Also use caution if you have had laser skin treatments, surgeries or thick lifted varicose veins. VBW recommends always doing a spot test prior to services while these medications/conditions are present.
Strictly no waxing for any of the following:
-chemical peels or microdermabrasion until 7-9 days has past since last session for the listed.
-skin irritations, sunburned skin or -laser skin resurfacing (in past 12 mths for LSR)
When to be Cautious:
-You're pregnant, taking birth control, hormone replacement or antibiotics. Your skin may be more sensitive to waxing.
-Smokers or those with Rosacea. waxing can irritate dilated capillaries. If they are red do not wax that area.
-If you take blood thinners, have diabetes or are under going treatment for cancer or aids
Copyright © 2019 Vermont Body Waxing LLC. - All Rights Reserved. Licensed & Fully Insured